Tuesday, March 31, 2009

QuicKutz Collectors' Series- Zelda Grand!

QuicKutz has announced its first reissue from the vault- Zelda. This time, it's going to be bigger and better than ever- literally! Where as Zelda was previously issued as a Classic size font, this Collectors Edition will be a Grand font, with the upper and lower case letters on 7 4x8 dies for only $99.99.

There are going to be VERY limited numbers of this font made- actually only what stores order, so if you miss it, it won't come around again. We are going to be taking names (but no deposits necessary) for people who want to reserve their Zelda Grand.

The dies will ship to us in July, so you have plenty of time to save up for it (and we'll be having a Garage sale in June or July that will certainly help as well!)

We will be able to accept names for the list until April 7th (all orders have to be placed that afternoon so don't wait too late to decide!) After that date, we will be unable to order any more, and QuicKutz seems pretty serious about this. :)

Click here for the full character set of this awesome font.